Characterization and observations on family pig farming and its role in the rural context of the Tocantina Region of Maranhão


  • Thiago Acioly Universidade Estadual do Maranhão
  • Iracelia Nascimento Dias
  • Diego Amorim Santos
  • Marilene Santos Maciel
  • Diego Carvalho Viana



animal welfare, rural extension, family farmer, feeding management, pigs


Technological changes in pig farming can influence the way animals are raised in various ways, including improvements in animal welfare, proper feeding and genetic management, resulting in higher profit rates. However, small-scale producers are particularly sensitive to the lack of knowledge and technical support, which can lead them to make incorrect or misguided decisions in pig management. In this scenario, the aim was to broaden the perspective of technicians in training at CFRs (Rural Family Houses) regarding production, trade, sustainability, and pig care. Additionally, the project aimed to diagnose properties in Imperatriz, Maranhão, and discuss viable solutions to the issues in this production chain. The project involved three distinct stages. In the first stage, technical visits were conducted with veterinary professionals and students to pig producers and businesses in the Imperatriz region, Maranhão. In the second stage, the properties were diagnosed, and in the third stage, the importance of technicians was discussed, and the feasibility of implementing changes with the producers was debated. The Rural Family House in Coquelândia contributes to overcoming some of the problems caused by the youth's departure from rural areas, including family fragmentation, the precariousness of the agricultural production process, and the disruption of young people's ties to their social origins. Furthermore, this experience made it possible to observe how extension activities are important for students to acquire practical and systemic knowledge of the pig production chain.


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How to Cite

Acioly, T., Nascimento Dias, I., Amorim Santos, D., Santos Maciel, M., & Carvalho Viana, D. (2023). Characterization and observations on family pig farming and its role in the rural context of the Tocantina Region of Maranhão. Revista Ensaios Pioneiros, 7(1).

