Powering manager training: the strategic use of the reflexive academic portfolio in a higher education institution





Educación de postgrado, Educación continuada, educación superior


The reflective portfolio is a tool that takes into account the individual characteristics of students, promoting competencies such as autonomy, responsibility, creativity, and self-critique, while serving as an alternative assessment method, giving meaning and significance to the teaching and learning process. This article reports on the experience of using the portfolio in the MBA program in Educational Planning and Management, exploring its formative role in the field of education. The research adopted a qualitative and exploratory approach, seeking to answer the following question: how to encourage students to produce meaning and significance about their learning experiences? Among the results, it was observed that as students recorded their experiences and reflected on them, they gained a comprehensive understanding of the course, integrating new concepts and practices learned in postgraduate studies through their productions and sharing of them. The reports indicated that the use of the portfolio, in addition to promoting the integration of knowledge, fosters the growth of students, both individually and collectively. The portfolio proved to be effective not only as an assessment tool but also as a facilitator of the teaching and learning process. Furthermore, it allowed for innovations in MBA education for managers working in educational planning and management, as well as related fields, expanding perspectives and opportunities in the academic environment. Students' testimonials and work highlighted keywords such as experience, practice, planning, improvement, possibilities, and knowledge. In conclusion, the use of the portfolio is positive, demonstrating that it is a tool that promotes the development of competencies and skills for professionals in the field of education.


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How to Cite

Tartarotti von Zuben Campos, P. P., Machado, D., Bernardo, R., & Antonio, M. A. (2024). Powering manager training: the strategic use of the reflexive academic portfolio in a higher education institution. Revista Ensaios Pioneiros, 8(1). https://doi.org/10.24933/rep.v8i1.307

